Introduction to an Essay or What Can Attract a Reader: Best Tricks

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This quote is attributed to Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese writer and philosopher, however it has become so popular that today it is quite difficult to say who is its real author. Anyway, a journey of a thousand miles always starts with a single step. So, an essay of five hundred words (or more) always starts with an opening sentence or two.

When you plan a journey, however long it is actually going to be, you pack everything you may need while you are far away from home. You plan the route and check the weather in order to avoid any unpleasant adventures, such as getting lost in the middle of nowhere or soaking wet without an umbrella. Only when it seems to you that everything is in its place inside your bag, you know that you are ready to take your road.

It is the same with threading essay introduction words through invisible lines of a new Word document on your laptop. But it can be as difficult to type the very first word of your future essay as it is difficult to make up your mind and make the very first step towards your future destination. Yet, what if you prepare well? What if you take everything you need to write a good essay, pack it properly, and then sit down to generate a few astonishing lines which will be able to wake your teacher up after reading dozens of similar papers?

Do you think you can do it? Alright! Discover the whole array of effective tips to create a compelling introduction to an essay on any topic with!


Professional Writers’ Tips on Opening Any Essay

We are going to share some professional secrets with you. But shhh… Do not tell anybody what you will find out here and now. It is your chance to go more original and creative than anyone in your group. By the way, our writers use these strategies when they are working on ordered essays.

So, you can place a new order for your custom paper right now, knowing for sure that it is going to be absolutely unique, interesting, pleasant to read and just worth the highest grade. Compose your essays with our online writing service, save your precious time and learn loads of new things!

Tip #1: Feed Your Inspiration with Real Knowledge

Do you still remember our metaphor with the one-thousand-mile journey? It is quite risky to go for it if you do not have a good reliable pair of shoes and, what is even more important, if you do not have enough info on the place where you are heading and on how exactly you can get there. It all means that you should not start writing your essay until you study the topic so well that you could have your personal fresh impressions of and opinions on it. Even we are speaking about an introduction on an essay about friendship or your family.

Tip #2: Give Facts but Do Not Generalize

Our writers recommend providing valid interesting facts, real numbers and names in the first few lines. These should not be general statements, however. Your thesis which must be clear and unambiguous, otherwise it might be difficult for your reader to catch your idea at once. Here you need to outline the most significant idea of your whole writing. Keep it short though, because you are going to develop it in the following paragraphs.

Smiling Teacher

Tip #3: Or Tell a Good Short Anecdote

It would be just awesome if you could make your reader smile from the first introductory lines of your essay. This automatically guarantees that their attitude towards the text below is rather positive. But of course, this does not mean you can write nonsense in the body part and conclusion. A bright and witty opening is a reliable factor of influence on your reader.

Tip #4: Or Make a Dialogue

Your entire paper is certainly a monologue. But if you reader understands this and cannot interrupt you with their own thoughts and impressions, then you are very likely to fail. The introduction to your essay is aimed at making your reader believe that you are opening a dialogue, inviting them to participate in it. So, you can easily ask a rhetorical question, inquire about your reader’s life experience or feelings – anything to let them see that you are going to communicate but not impose your idea.

Tip #5: Claim and Do Not Apologize

Make your first sentence sound confident. Your views have an absolutely lawful right to exist. Do not apologize for anything even if you know what is wrong with the context. Do not give your reader any hint on it.

Things to Avoid: Know These Mistakes by Sight

Interestingly, some authors tend to underestimate an introduction to an essay, arguing that it usually contains hardly any meaningful information. However, you should remember that if it seems to you that opening sentences of any essay you read contain nothing essential, then this is just a poorly written introduction. Let us make out what the main mistakes are.

Symptom of Boredom

Even though your essay is truly outstanding, hardly anybody will believe in it if the first sentence does not convince them of it. An introduction creates the first impression about your text and influences your teacher’s wish to proceed with reading it.

Don't Make Your Reader Bored

No Thesis Statement

Our writers can set several examples when introductions to essays had no logical connection with the ideas of the texts they edited. To avoid the same pitfall, ask yourself the following question after you are done with an opening line: so what? And try to answer it decently.

Irrelevant Issues

The opening paragraph can and must include some details which can outline the content of the whole paper. But these details must be relevant. There is no use of including many random interesting facts just because of the wordcount or because you like them. The ideas you include to the very first lines must be logically developed in the essay.

Stick to the Topic

Unexpected Verboseness

There should the maximum of two or, okay, three sentences, but not more. The essay introduction rule states that this part should take no more than 10% of the whole text.

Ready. Steady. Go!

Do you feel like now you know what you should do? That is great! If you have any queries, you are always welcome to consult our Support Team or your personal writer. If it is the first time you intend to make an order with our service, we will be especially happy to provide you with both helpful info and excellent paper! Thank you for staying with us!

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