Infographics: Why Does Your Brain Like It So Much?


Everyone likes to look through the pictures. You can also take advantage of this activity. You have to deem that infographics is necessary.

The Visualized Report Is More Convincing

Scientists from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania proved that 50 percent of the listeners perceive the oral presentation, and 67 percent of the audience perceive the demonstration with the images. If you tell the audience a little bit about the cognitive neurology using infographics, and use the brain scans at the same time, you will see that the audience trusts your awareness more.

Infographics Saves Our Time

Every day you get five times more information compared with the early XX century. So, you are usually able to read only about 28 percent of all that you are offered. Infographics gives you more knowledge within the less time.

Information with Pictures Is More Interesting

Researchers discovered that anybody wants to read the text, when it is accompanied by the picture. It is effective in 80 cases out of a 100.

Infographics Is Everywhere

The frequency of using the visual information increased by 400 percent in literature since 1990. You can see the growth of usage of the visualization in the internet from 2007. Newspapers were using visual information 142 times more during the period from 1985 to 1994.

Infographics Is Easier to Remember

You absorb 80 percent of what you have seen or done and just 20 percent of the materials you have read. So, the illustrated information has its advantages. It is easier to remind the information from the image. You will want to share it with your friends, because infographics is quite interesting.

Visualized Information Is More Accessible

The research shows, that only 70 percent of people get enough information from the text on the package and 95 percent of people understand the visualized text. Persons who follow the instructions accompanied by the illustrations deal with the task 323 percent better, in comparison to those, who do not have any images.

You Are Visually Sensitive

About 50 percent of your brain take part in the visualization. Your eyes contain 70 percent of all the receptors in your body. You need only one tenth of a second to perceive the visual scene. When you read, you need 150 ms to read the symbol and 100 ms to understand it. That’s why the road sighs are made as pictures. It saves time to react.

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