How to Sleep Well

Good Sleep Advices

Modern world requires everyone to be fast. Otherwise, there is a chance to stay on the bottom. Still, human organism needs to have its rest. How to find a good sleep and to have a great day after? Authors from tried to find out.

Determine Your Personal Sleep Time

We’re all different: someone gets up early, somebody needs to sleep longer, others just don’t care about that. Studying and working schedules don’t take individual biorhythms into account: universities and offices traditionally start their day at 8 to 9 AM. That’s a difficult quest for those who is used to fall asleep later at night, isn’t it? And what if you just couldn’t go to bed in time? Sad story.

Recommendation is simple: know your organism.

Go to sleep as soon as you want. Turn off your alarm clock and sleep as long as you wish.

To determine what are your natural biorhythms, you need to have some days free of study and (or) job. These are long holidays (in winter, for example), or even one of your weekends. While having such relaxation, human mostly sleeps 7 to 9 hours: this is the time while the organism gets fully recovered.

Think about your rituals connected to your sleep. Do you watch TV before going to bed? Do you wake up at night to drink a glass of water or to eat something? You can’t change your habits if you don’t learn them.

Pick Up Your Sleep Time

Don’t try going to bed “as early as possible”. That’s an indefinite goal which is practically impossible for you to reach. Plan your sleep time according to when you need to get up in the next morning.

For instance, the experiment with your habits (see the previous point of the text) showed you need to sleep for 8 hours. And you need to get up at 7:00 AM. Then, go to bed at 11:00 PM or a bit earlier.

To get used to your daily regime, try to keep up to it on weekends, too. Still, it’s fine to allow yourself to sleep till the afternoon or to go to bed later sometimes.

Refuse Working in Bedroom

No Bedroom Work

After your personal sleep time is known, set up your rules which could help you relax. It could be weakened light; you could refuse watching TV in an hour before sleep, etc.

Keep in mind: study (job) and rest shouldn’t be at the same place! This is important in order to form right sleep habits. Don’t check your email while being in bed; don’t finish any article or report there, too. Otherwise, you won’t be able to fully relax.

The bed is for sleeping.

No Alcohol or Food

Don’t Drink Alcohol and Don’t Eat Anything Before Sleep.

Everything’s simple here: late supper makes your stomach work longer at night, and that’s not about normal sleep.

If talking about alcohol, scientists found out: people who take some beer or wine “to relax” before going to bed, sleep badly during the second half of their night.

The more time passes between your supper (alcohol) and going to bed, the better your sleep will be.

Sleep Well: Gadgets Out

Turn Off Your Gadgets 30 Minutes Before Falling Asleep

That’s one of advices we all ignore (it seems fine to read an e-book, to check e-mail and social media account). Not good.

Light coming from the display of your smartphone, imitates the Sun.

This causes your brain to stop producing melatonin: an important hormone, which regulates your sleep and wake status changes by sending you signals to go to bed and to wake up.

It is better not to skip this cycle if you don’t want to have vision and health problems in future. So, you better put your gadgets away.

Good Sleep: Relaxation

Relax 30 to 60 Minutes.

Here is some advice from America’s national sleep foundation:

Read a book or a magazine (not electronic, but paper ones, and make sure they aren’t connected to your job or study);

Write down your thoughts. Experts say providing a diary to help overcoming your stress and anxiety troubles.

Keep up with your rituals which are to signalize you are going to fall asleep: wash your teeth & face, turn of a TV set, etc.

Try to meditate. Researches confirm it to help your psychological well-being.

No “Five More Minutes”

Experts say that if you’ve awakened before your planned time and decided to sleep a bit more, it will be not easy to get out of the bed in time. You’ll more probably fall into a deep sleep.

So, you better use a chance your organism gives you. Get up earlier and use your morning to do some useful deeds.

Do Morning Exercises

Physical workout added to sunlight will stop the melatonin’s production, and give you cheerfulness. There will be a new cycle start, which will prepare your organism to sleep at the end of your day.

Additionally, evening trainings will help you fall asleep at night too. Just don’t load your muscles too late in the eve.

Intensive fitness training after 9 PM is not fine: you better replace it with yoga.

At any case, it is better to choose exercises individually.

No Bad Thoughts

Don’t Worry About “Will I be Able to Sleep”

Of course, it’s easy to say, not to do. There are people who feel fear while waiting for their night. They worry about “not being able to sleep tonight”, they check their watches constantly. And then, when they actually can’t sleep, negative emotions come: anxiety, anger and another fear. This can lead to a chronic insomnia in future.

Doctors recommend removing all the watches, clocks and other things which can remind you about the possible insomnia, out of your bedroom.

Don’t think about your inability to fall asleep as about catastrophe. Think about how good you’ll sleep tonight instead of worrying about tomorrow’s difficult working day. Tune yourself onto that positive wave.

Practice Relaxation

Good Sleep Relaxation

Every time when you worry about yourself being unable to sleep, your organism produces stress hormones. This makes falling asleep a real problem.

Progressive relaxation method, provided by the American neurologist Edmund Jacobson, is what could help you get out of this circle. Those are the exercises based on the alternate relaxation and tensioning of separate muscle groups.

This method is one of the tested ways to deal with a chronic insomnia.

Think Positively

In many separate cases, people who think themselves to be suffering of insomnia actually just exaggerate their problem. They keep thinking they slept less than they really did. The scale of a catastrophe can be significantly decreased if they only try to turn themselves onto something positive.

In order to do so, people need to work on themselves: to learn how to relax and meditate, to create normal conditions for sleep.

No Sleep: Get Up

Don’t lay in the bed for hours, hoping to fall asleep finally. If you couldn’t do that during 20 minutes, get up from the bed and do something. But don’t turn on your computer, smartphone or TV: they might make the problem more serious.

This is the rule helping you to break the bad circle, to stop associating your bed with negative emotions.

Don’t Make Yourself Sleep

You don’t need to try to fall asleep, you only need to do that. Just create all the needed conditions (take shower, turn off the lights, open the window, etc.) and relax.

Don’t think if you’ll fall asleep or no.

The absence of fears and anxiety in your mind can cause a magical effect to happen.

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