Essay on Cultural Diversity at a Workplace

Persons of Different Races

It goes without saying that the topicality of this theme is rather high. You can provide your readers with a great number of details. Still, do not forget that it has to be appropriate and, of course, well-arranged. Therefore, you have to create a plan of your essay that will help you to introduce the data systematically without mixing facts and breaking logical structure. By the way, to complete this step effectively, you may order an outline at GreatPaper.Co.Uk. Do not try to write about everything within 2-3 pages, select a specific issue and just a few approaches to be able to cover them fully.

Here Comes the Definition

It is a rather widespread and also successful strategy to start with a definition, since you know how important an introduction to an essay is. You have to acquaint your readers with the definition of a crucial word - “diversity.” You shall mention that it deals with many aspects of one’s life. After that, you are to mention a cultural diversity. You have to admit what points multiculturalism (another name of the cultural diversity) deals with. Therefore, you can also extend each point by adding examples.

Workplace as a Small Community

Taking into account the topic, the main thought should be developed through the lens of work environment. You can explain the point that our workplaces divide us into small communities, where we have to communicate, cooperate, and simply coexist. It is good to mention how it becomes possible to face up cultural diversity at our palaces of work. Therefore, here you can make a nice transition to the next paragraph of your essay by giving your readers a hint of what you will tell them further. If you do not know how to do that, essay writers online can help.

Pros and Cons

Here we are to discuss whether the culturally diverse staff is a positive aspect or it influences companies where it is observed rather badly.
First of all, you have to search through the Internet and become acquainted with the statistics of companies that have multicultural staff: some figures dealing with companies themselves, some information about their success or vice versa and, of course, their politics dealing with managing the staff structure. After that, you can give some examples to your claims about why it is good or not. This will enrich your essay with a good efficient evidence.

Therefore, firstly, you should start with listing the advantages. You can admit the fact that such a multiculturalism of staff makes it diverse in terms of abilities, skills and experiences. Thus, if the company appreciates this fact and ensures people that any human resources are required, it will create an environment where varied opinions and ideas are appreciated and taken into account. It is understood that this very fact gives such a company an easy win. Having a diverse staff lets the company be acquainted with the need of different categories of people if to divide them according to cultural differences. In addition, it can help to form a new project, or even a company’s strategy.

However, one should not forget about all the difficulties and conflicts that diverse community can hide. Stereotyping and prejudices are usually difficult to avoid in cases when so many different people meet in one work environment. They are the points that modern society tries to fight against. Although, some dozens of years ago many companies or enterprises were just not hiring females. Fortunately, we have already got rid of such a prejudice. However, it is not the case with every country, and you may add a few sad examples to your text.

Learn to Coexist

If you consider yourself not to be authorized to make conclusions, you may tell your readers how to avoid staff wars and create a peaceful society. This will be a good addition to persuasive writing. Many different trainings could help employees to coexist and communicate properly in the corporate environment. The topics usually cover learning etiquette, anti-bullying managing approaches and how to reduce the cases of sexual harassment within a staff to zero. You have to look for some examples of them to introduce in your essay.

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