Papers can be hard even when dealing with the simplest subjects. In a comparative essay type, you are expected to lay out the ways two any subjects are similar, and present what differences they have. Even though, at the first sight, it may seem rather obvious, but your task is to analyze and group your facts in such way that it is simple to read and understandable to anyone. Here are some tips.
You can choose any style you think is more appropriate to enlighten your readers, but the two main styles are dividing your essay into two thematically different parts, and another one is to consider each aspect of the problem in a separate paragraph. If you choose the popular technique to divide your work into two big parts, one of the parts will state the connection. You could start by structuring an outline:
- Cats and dogs are both quadruple animals that humans have learned to keep as pets and companions.
- They are both covered in fur.
- Require constant care and communication equally.
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Similarly to the first part of your paper, continue the discourse by adding characteristics that make these two animals fall on polar sides of the field. State that they are believed to have different personality characters, that dogs need constant walks out of the house thus are harder to maintain in an urban environment, that cats have smaller bones and thus are smaller in size than most dogs.
Other Sources
In order to make your essay more attractive make sure to include some scientifically valuable data or interesting facts that could support your statements. A story about a dog or a cat who rescued the owner from a burning house, for example, may be the perfect evidence of the loyalty of the pets.
Arranging Your Information
Arrange your information in a logical and cohesive way that makes the reader understand quickly your analysis and point of view on the subject. The point you most want to make should be in the first part of the work to draw more attention to itself. Another tip is to start each part with the biggest factor that defies all the rest. Do not forget summing up your whole research in a neat conclusion at the end of your essay that can be used as a summary to your paper.
Extra Information
You could add a little extra bonus part at the end with popular phrases from folklore that capture the essence of these animals perfectly. Be sure to make it only if your teacher is flexible enough and accepts extra work that is not in close connection with the main part of the work. You could state that both cats and dogs have been a popular part of lives of humans and thus many proverbs arose, such as “raining cats and dogs”, “let the cat out of the bag”, “fight like cats and dogs”, “dog days” and so on.